Friday, September 7, 2012

Home, Sweet Home in Yerevan

Property #2 wins the day!


After looking at four properties in central Yerevan, our American clients with a lot of requirements settled on the spacious three-bedroom. Big advantages:  light, quiet, proximity to office, and high potential for entertaining. AND, in the end, the landlord came down to their budget as well. 30 steps? Not SO many.

The runner-up property, despite some advantages, simply could not overcome the unlighted entry and questionable elevator. And then there was the street noise and not as much privacy.

As Denise and Rilla settle in, they will be enjoying a well-equipped kitchen but definitely have to go shopping for reading lamps because the chandeliers in every room just won't do for reading, especially in the bedrooms.

But just to make it feel like home, this apartment even has a "doghouse" bedroom for unexpected guests!

Eager as they are to begin eating at home, our intrepid travelers are going out tonight to attend a concert at the Opera House by I Solisti Veneti, a chamber orchestra from Italy. No grass growing under those feet!

Stayed tuned for neighborhood explores and early reports from the National Gallery.


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